The team colors of Fukuoka Softbank Hawks are yellow, black, orange, gray, light gray, and white.
Below are the Hex, RGB, Pantone, CMYK, and HSL codes for these colors.
Additionally, we provide both PNG and JPG files of the Fukuoka Softbank Hawks logo and explore its meaning.
Fukuoka SoftBank Hawks Color Palette
Fukuoka SoftBank Hawks Color Codes
Hex: #F5C700
RGB: (245, 199, 0)
Pantone: PMS 7406 C
CMYK: (5, 20, 100, 0)
HSL: (51, 100%, 48%)
Hex: #000000
RGB: (0, 0, 0)
Pantone: PMS Black 6 C
CMYK: (75, 68, 67, 90)
HSL: (0, 0%, 0%)
Hex: #ED9205
RGB: (237, 146, 5)
Pantone: PMS 7564 C
CMYK: (5, 49, 100, 0)
HSL: (37, 96%, 47%)
Hex: #464646
RGB: (70, 70, 70)
Pantone: PMS 446 C
CMYK: (67, 60, 58, 42)
HSL: (0, 0%, 27%)
Hex: #969696
RGB: (150, 150, 150)
Pantone: PMS Cool Gray 7 C
CMYK: (44, 36, 36, 1)
HSL: (0, 0%, 59%)
RGB: (255, 255, 255)
CMYK: (0, 0, 0, 0)
HSL: (0, 0%, 100%)
Fukuoka SoftBank Hawks Hex Color Codes
The Fukuoka SoftBank Hawks colors HEX codes are #000000 for black, #ED9205 for orange, #464646 for gray, #969696 for light gray, #FFFFFF for white, for , for , for , and #F5C700 for yellow.
Fukuoka SoftBank Hawks RGB Color Codes
The Fukuoka SoftBank Hawks colors RGB codes are (0, 0, 0) for black, (237, 146, 5) for orange, (70, 70, 70) for gray, (150, 150, 150) for light gray, (255, 255, 255) for white, for , for , for , and (245, 199, 0) for yellow.
Fukuoka SoftBank Hawks Pantone Color Codes
The Fukuoka SoftBank Hawks colors Pantone codes are PMS Black 6 C for black, PMS 7564 C for orange, PMS 446 C for gray, PMS Cool Gray 7 C for light gray, for white, for , for , for , and PMS 7406 C for yellow.
Fukuoka SoftBank Hawks CMYK Color Codes
The Fukuoka SoftBank Hawks colors Pantone codes are (75, 68, 67, 90) for black, (5, 49, 100, 0) for orange, (67, 60, 58, 42) for gray, (44, 36, 36, 1) for light gray, (0, 0, 0, 0) for white, for , for , for , and (5, 20, 100, 0) for yellow.
Fukuoka SoftBank Hawks HSL Color Codes
The Fukuoka SoftBank Hawks colors Pantone codes are (0, 0%, 0%) for black, (37, 96%, 47%) for orange, (0, 0%, 27%) for gray, (0, 0%, 59%) for light gray, (0, 0%, 100%) for white, for , for , for , and (51, 100%, 48%) for yellow.
Fukuoka Softbank Hawks Overview
- 📛 Nickname: The Hawks
- 📅 Year Founded: 1938
- 📍 Now Located in: Fukuoka Yahuoku! Dome, Fukuoka
- ⚔️ Biggest Rival: Yomiuri Giants
- 🏆 Greatest Success: 11 Japan Series titles
Fukuoka Softbank Hawks Logo
Fukuoka Softbank Hawks Logo PNG
Fukuoka Softbank Hawks Logo JPG
Fukuoka Softbank Hawks Logo Meaning
- Hawk Symbol: The hawk represents strength, agility, and keen vision, embodying the athletic prowess and competitive spirit of the team.
- Yellow and Black Color Scheme: Yellow symbolizes energy, enthusiasm, and optimism, while black stands for power, elegance, and formality.
- Dynamic Composition: The logo utilizes a dynamic layout that conveys movement and speed, reflecting the fast-paced nature of baseball.
- Modern Typography: The use of modern and clean typography signifies the team’s progressive outlook and commitment to innovation.
- Baseball Motif: Elements reminiscent of a baseball, such as stitching patterns, subtly integrated into the design, highlight the team’s sport and form a connection with its fans.
Fukuoka Softbank Hawks Logo Font
The font used in the Fukuoka Softbank Hawks logo is a custom typographical design that blends traditional and modern elements.
It’s chosen because it offers a distinctive yet contemporary look, emphasizing both the team’s heritage and its forward-looking vision. The clear and bold letters ensure easy readability and strong brand recognition.