The team colors of Hartford Whalers are blue, green, gray, black, and white.
Below are the Hex, RGB, Pantone, CMYK, and HSL codes for these colors.
Additionally, we provide both PNG and JPG files of the Hartford Whalers logo and explore its meaning.
Hartford Whalers Color Palette
Hartford Whalers Color Codes
Hex: #00205B
RGB: (0, 32, 91)
Pantone: 281 C
CMYK: (100, 85, 5, 36)
HSL: (218, 100%, 18%)
Hex: #046A38
RGB: (4, 106, 56)
Pantone: 349 C
CMYK: (100, 20, 90, 30)
HSL: (152, 93%, 22%)
Hex: #A2AAAD
RGB: (162, 170, 173)
Pantone: 429 C
CMYK: (38, 27, 27, 0)
HSL: (204, 6%, 66%)
Hex: #0E7B3E
RGB: (14, 123, 62)
CMYK: (88, 27, 100, 15)
HSL: (148, 80%, 27%)
Hex: #2A3489
RGB: (42, 52, 137)
CMYK: (100, 96, 11, 1)
HSL: (233, 53%, 35%)
Hex: #006D2C
RGB: (0, 109, 44)
CMYK: (89, 32, 100, 23)
HSL: (144, 100%, 21%)
Hex: #2D2926
RGB: (45, 41, 38)
CMYK: (67, 64, 66, 68)
HSL: (24, 8%, 16%)
RGB: (255, 255, 255)
CMYK: (0, 0, 0, 0)
HSL: (0, 0%, 100%)
Hartford Whalers Hex Color Codes
The Hartford Whalers colors HEX codes are #046A38 for Green, #A2AAAD for Gray, #0E7B3E for Green, #2A3489 for Blue, #006D2C for Green, #2D2926 for Black, #FFFFFF for White, for , and #00205B for Blue.
Hartford Whalers RGB Color Codes
The Hartford Whalers colors RGB codes are (4, 106, 56) for Green, (162, 170, 173) for Gray, (14, 123, 62) for Green, (42, 52, 137) for Blue, (0, 109, 44) for Green, (45, 41, 38) for Black, (255, 255, 255) for White, for , and (0, 32, 91) for Blue.
Hartford Whalers Pantone Color Codes
The Hartford Whalers colors Pantone codes are 349 C for Green, 429 C for Gray, for Green, for Blue, for Green, for Black, for White, for , and 281 C for Blue.
Hartford Whalers CMYK Color Codes
The Hartford Whalers colors Pantone codes are (100, 20, 90, 30) for Green, (38, 27, 27, 0) for Gray, (88, 27, 100, 15) for Green, (100, 96, 11, 1) for Blue, (89, 32, 100, 23) for Green, (67, 64, 66, 68) for Black, (0, 0, 0, 0) for White, for , and (100, 85, 5, 36) for Blue.
Hartford Whalers HSL Color Codes
The Hartford Whalers colors Pantone codes are (152, 93%, 22%) for Green, (204, 6%, 66%) for Gray, (148, 80%, 27%) for Green, (233, 53%, 35%) for Blue, (144, 100%, 21%) for Green, (24, 8%, 16%) for Black, (0, 0%, 100%) for White, for , and (218, 100%, 18%) for Blue.
Hartford Whalers Overview
- 📛 Nickname: The Whale
- 📅 Year Founded: 1972 (as New England Whalers)
- 📍 Now Located in: Raleigh, North Carolina (as the Carolina Hurricanes)
- ⚔️ Biggest Rival: Boston Bruins
- 🏆 Greatest Success: Winning the Stanley Cup in 2006 (as the Carolina Hurricanes)
Hartford Whalers Logo
Hartford Whalers Logo PNG
Hartford Whalers Logo JPG
Hartford Whalers Logo Meaning
- Whale Tail: The whale tail symbolizes the team’s namesake, the Whalers, and signifies strength and majesty of the ocean.
- Green Color: Green represents growth, renewal, and the rich marine life, resonating with the environmental connection to the ocean.
- Blue Color: Blue evokes the ocean and depth, highlighting the team’s maritime heritage and stability.
- Hidden “H”: The white space between the whale tail and the body subtly forms an “H”, ingeniously nodding to Hartford and promoting clever design.
Hartford Whalers Logo Font
The font used in the Hartford Whalers logo is a custom-developed sans-serif typeface.
This choice conveys a modern and clean aesthetic, perfectly aligning with the logo’s sleek and dynamic design.