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The team colors of KHC Dragons are navy, red, and brown.

Below are the Hex, RGB, Pantone, CMYK, and HSL codes for these colors.

Additionally, we provide both PNG and JPG files of the KHC Dragons logo and explore its meaning.

KHC Dragons Color Palette

KHC Dragons Color Codes

Hex: #082342
RGB: (8, 35, 66)
Pantone: PMS 2767 C
CMYK: (94, 81, 21, 22)
HSL: (213, 78, 15)
Hex: #BC0E31
RGB: (188, 14, 49)
Pantone: PMS 200 C
CMYK: (88, 55, 37, 7)
HSL: (352, 86, 40)
Hex: #9B8257
RGB: (155, 130, 87)
Pantone: PMS 871 C
CMYK: (87, 66, 32, 25)
HSL: (37, 28, 47)







KHC Dragons Hex Color Codes

The KHC Dragons colors HEX codes are #BC0E31 for Red, #9B8257 for Brown, for , for , for , for , for , for , and #082342 for Navy.

The hex color code for KHC Dragons Navy is #082342.
The hex color code for KHC Dragons Red is #BC0E31.
The hex color code for KHC Dragons Brown is #9B8257.
The hex color code for KHC Dragons is .
The hex color code for KHC Dragons is .
The hex color code for KHC Dragons is .
The hex color code for KHC Dragons is .
The hex color code for KHC Dragons is .
The hex color code for KHC Dragons is .

KHC Dragons RGB Color Codes

The KHC Dragons colors RGB codes are (188, 14, 49) for Red, (155, 130, 87) for Brown, for , for , for , for , for , for , and (8, 35, 66) for Navy.

The RGB color code for KHC Dragons Navy is (8, 35, 66).
(8, 35, 66)
The RGB color code for KHC Dragons Red is (188, 14, 49).
(188, 14, 49)
The RGB color code for KHC Dragons Brown is (155, 130, 87).
(155, 130, 87)
The RGB color code for KHC Dragons is .
The RGB color code for KHC Dragons is .
The RGB color code for KHC Dragons is .
The RGB color code for KHC Dragons is .
The RGB color code for KHC Dragons is .
The RGB color code for KHC Dragons is .

KHC Dragons Pantone Color Codes

The KHC Dragons colors Pantone codes are PMS 200 C for Red, PMS 871 C for Brown, for , for , for , for , for , for , and PMS 2767 C for Navy.

The Pantone color code for KHC Dragons Navy is PMS 2767 C.
PMS 2767 C
The Pantone color code for KHC Dragons Red is PMS 200 C.
PMS 200 C
The Pantone color code for KHC Dragons Brown is PMS 871 C.
PMS 871 C
The Pantone color code for KHC Dragons is .
The Pantone color code for KHC Dragons is .
The Pantone color code for KHC Dragons is .
The Pantone color code for KHC Dragons is .
The Pantone color code for KHC Dragons is .
The Pantone color code for KHC Dragons is .

KHC Dragons CMYK Color Codes

The KHC Dragons colors Pantone codes are (88, 55, 37, 7) for Red, (87, 66, 32, 25) for Brown, for , for , for , for , for , for , and (94, 81, 21, 22) for Navy.

The CMYK color code for KHC Dragons Navy is (94, 81, 21, 22).
(94, 81, 21, 22)
The CMYK color code for KHC Dragons Red is (88, 55, 37, 7).
(88, 55, 37, 7)
The CMYK color code for KHC Dragons Brown is (87, 66, 32, 25).
(87, 66, 32, 25)
The CMYK color code for KHC Dragons is .
The CMYK color code for KHC Dragons is .
The CMYK color code for KHC Dragons is .
The CMYK color code for KHC Dragons is .
The CMYK color code for KHC Dragons is .
The CMYK color code for KHC Dragons is .

KHC Dragons HSL Color Codes

The KHC Dragons colors Pantone codes are (352, 86, 40) for Red, (37, 28, 47) for Brown, for , for , for , for , for , for , and (213, 78, 15) for Navy.

The HSL color code for KHC Dragons Navy is (213, 78, 15).
(213, 78, 15)
The HSL color code for KHC Dragons Red is (352, 86, 40).
(352, 86, 40)
The HSL color code for KHC Dragons Brown is (37, 28, 47).
(37, 28, 47)
The HSL color code for KHC Dragons is .
The HSL color code for KHC Dragons is .
The HSL color code for KHC Dragons is .
The HSL color code for KHC Dragons is .
The HSL color code for KHC Dragons is .
The HSL color code for KHC Dragons is .

KHC Dragons Overview

  • 📛 Nickname: Dragons
  • 📅 Year Founded: 1992
  • 📍 Now Located in: Standaard Stadion, Hasselt
  • ⚔️ Biggest Rival: Leuven Lions
  • 🏆 Greatest Success: Belgian National Hockey Championship Winners (2007, 2014)

KHC Dragons Logo PNG

KHC Dragons Logo JPG

KHC Dragons Logo Meaning

  • Dragon Imagery: The dragon symbolizes power, strength, and wisdom, representing the core values of the KHC Dragons team.
  • Red and Black Colors: Red showcases intensity and passion while black highlights authority and sophistication, reflecting the team’s energy and command.
  • Fire Element: The fire in the logo signifies the burning ambition and relentless drive of the team to achieve their goals.
  • Modern Design: The contemporary style of the logo indicates the forward-thinking vision and innovative approach of the KHC Dragons.

KHC Dragons Logo Font

The font used in the KHC Dragons logo is a custom variation of Bebas Neue, crafted for a modern and professional appearance.

It’s selected for its clean and bold characteristics, reflecting the team’s dynamic and authoritative presence on the field.

Color Codes of Belgian Hockey League Teams