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The team colors of Levante Union Deportiva are maroon, blue, gold, yellow, and gray.

Below are the Hex, RGB, Pantone, CMYK, and HSL codes for these colors.

Additionally, we provide both PNG and JPG files of the Levante Union Deportiva logo and explore its meaning.

Levante U.D. Color Palette

Levante U.D. Color Codes

Hex: #B4053F
RGB: (180, 5, 63)
Pantone: 193 C
CMYK: (21, 100, 70, 11)
HSL: (344, 94, 36)
Hex: #005CA5
RGB: (0, 92, 165)
Pantone: 2133 XGC
CMYK: (96, 69, 4, 0)
HSL: (203, 100, 32)
Hex: #DCA43E
RGB: (220, 164, 62)
Pantone: P 10-15 C
CMYK: (14, 36, 90, 0)
HSL: (42, 70, 55)
Hex: #FAC400
RGB: (250, 196, 0)
Pantone: 7548 XGC
CMYK: (2, 23, 100, 0)
HSL: (49, 100, 49)
Hex: #B2B2B2
RGB: (178, 178, 178)
Pantone: 421 XGC
CMYK: (31, 25, 25, 0)
HSL: (0, 0, 70)





Levante U.D. Hex Color Codes

The Levante U.D. colors HEX codes are #005CA5 for blue, #DCA43E for gold, #FAC400 for yellow, #B2B2B2 for gray, for , for , for , for , and #B4053F for maroon.

The hex color code for Levante U.D. maroon is #B4053F.
The hex color code for Levante U.D. blue is #005CA5.
The hex color code for Levante U.D. gold is #DCA43E.
The hex color code for Levante U.D. yellow is #FAC400.
The hex color code for Levante U.D. gray is #B2B2B2.
The hex color code for Levante U.D. is .
The hex color code for Levante U.D. is .
The hex color code for Levante U.D. is .
The hex color code for Levante U.D. is .

Levante U.D. RGB Color Codes

The Levante U.D. colors RGB codes are (0, 92, 165) for blue, (220, 164, 62) for gold, (250, 196, 0) for yellow, (178, 178, 178) for gray, for , for , for , for , and (180, 5, 63) for maroon.

The RGB color code for Levante U.D. maroon is (180, 5, 63).
(180, 5, 63)
The RGB color code for Levante U.D. blue is (0, 92, 165).
(0, 92, 165)
The RGB color code for Levante U.D. gold is (220, 164, 62).
(220, 164, 62)
The RGB color code for Levante U.D. yellow is (250, 196, 0).
(250, 196, 0)
The RGB color code for Levante U.D. gray is (178, 178, 178).
(178, 178, 178)
The RGB color code for Levante U.D. is .
The RGB color code for Levante U.D. is .
The RGB color code for Levante U.D. is .
The RGB color code for Levante U.D. is .

Levante U.D. Pantone Color Codes

The Levante U.D. colors Pantone codes are 2133 XGC for blue, P 10-15 C for gold, 7548 XGC for yellow, 421 XGC for gray, for , for , for , for , and 193 C for maroon.

The Pantone color code for Levante U.D. maroon is 193 C.
193 C
The Pantone color code for Levante U.D. blue is 2133 XGC.
2133 XGC
The Pantone color code for Levante U.D. gold is P 10-15 C.
P 10-15 C
The Pantone color code for Levante U.D. yellow is 7548 XGC.
7548 XGC
The Pantone color code for Levante U.D. gray is 421 XGC.
421 XGC
The Pantone color code for Levante U.D. is .
The Pantone color code for Levante U.D. is .
The Pantone color code for Levante U.D. is .
The Pantone color code for Levante U.D. is .

Levante U.D. CMYK Color Codes

The Levante U.D. colors Pantone codes are (96, 69, 4, 0) for blue, (14, 36, 90, 0) for gold, (2, 23, 100, 0) for yellow, (31, 25, 25, 0) for gray, for , for , for , for , and (21, 100, 70, 11) for maroon.

The CMYK color code for Levante U.D. maroon is (21, 100, 70, 11).
(21, 100, 70, 11)
The CMYK color code for Levante U.D. blue is (96, 69, 4, 0).
(96, 69, 4, 0)
The CMYK color code for Levante U.D. gold is (14, 36, 90, 0).
(14, 36, 90, 0)
The CMYK color code for Levante U.D. yellow is (2, 23, 100, 0).
(2, 23, 100, 0)
The CMYK color code for Levante U.D. gray is (31, 25, 25, 0).
(31, 25, 25, 0)
The CMYK color code for Levante U.D. is .
The CMYK color code for Levante U.D. is .
The CMYK color code for Levante U.D. is .
The CMYK color code for Levante U.D. is .

Levante U.D. HSL Color Codes

The Levante U.D. colors Pantone codes are (203, 100, 32) for blue, (42, 70, 55) for gold, (49, 100, 49) for yellow, (0, 0, 70) for gray, for , for , for , for , and (344, 94, 36) for maroon.

The HSL color code for Levante U.D. maroon is (344, 94, 36).
(344, 94, 36)
The HSL color code for Levante U.D. blue is (203, 100, 32).
(203, 100, 32)
The HSL color code for Levante U.D. gold is (42, 70, 55).
(42, 70, 55)
The HSL color code for Levante U.D. yellow is (49, 100, 49).
(49, 100, 49)
The HSL color code for Levante U.D. gray is (0, 0, 70).
(0, 0, 70)
The HSL color code for Levante U.D. is .
The HSL color code for Levante U.D. is .
The HSL color code for Levante U.D. is .
The HSL color code for Levante U.D. is .

Levante Union Deportiva Overview

  • 📛 Nickname: Los Granotas (The Frogs)
  • 📅 Year Founded: 1909
  • 📍 Now Located in: Estadi Ciutat de València, Valencia, Spain
  • ⚔️ Biggest Rival: Valencia CF (Valencian Derby)
  • 🏆 Greatest Success: Winning Segunda División titles and multiple promotions to La Liga

Levante Union Deportiva Logo PNG

Levante Union Deportiva Logo JPG

Levante Union Deportiva Logo Meaning

  • Red and Blue Stripes: The red and blue stripes are a nod to the club’s traditional colors, symbolizing unity and loyalty among the team and its supporters.
  • Bat Symbol: The bat is a historic emblem linked to the city of Valencia, representing heritage and regional pride.
  • Golden Border: The golden border around the shield signifies excellence, highlighting the club’s ambitions and pursuit of success.
  • Shape of the Shield: The shield shape conveys strength, protection, and resilience, aligning with the club’s long-standing tradition and sturdy defense.

Levante Union Deportiva Logo Font

The font used in the Levante Union Deportiva logo is a customized serif font, tailored specifically for the team.

It has been chosen for its classic and elegant appearance, reflecting the club’s rich history and standing in the football community. The stylized letters enhance readability and premium appeal.

Color Codes of LaLiga Teams