The team colors of Lucknow Super Giants are blue, orange, yellow, gray, light green, green, and red.
Below are the Hex, RGB, Pantone, CMYK, and HSL codes for these colors.
Additionally, we provide both PNG and JPG files of the Lucknow Super Giants logo and explore its meaning.
Lucknow Super Giants Color Palette
Lucknow Super Giants Color Codes
Hex: #0057E2
RGB: (0, 87, 226)
Pantone: PMS 2728 C
CMYK: (85, 68, 0, 0)
HSL: (217, 100%, 44%)
Hex: #F28B00
RGB: (242, 139, 0)
Pantone: PMS 144 C
CMYK: (2, 54, 100, 0)
HSL: (33, 100%, 47%)
Hex: #FECC00
RGB: (254, 204, 0)
Pantone: PMS 116 C
CMYK: (1, 18, 100, 0)
HSL: (49, 100%, 50%)
Hex: #E9E9E9
RGB: (233, 233, 233)
Pantone: PMS 663 C
CMYK: (7, 5, 6, 0)
HSL: (0, 0%, 91%)
Hex: #81BC00
RGB: (129, 188, 0)
Pantone: PMS 376 C
CMYK: (55, 3, 100, 0)
HSL: (80, 100%, 37%)
Hex: #127C33
RGB: (18, 124, 51)
Pantone: PMS 7740 C
CMYK: (87, 27, 100, 14)
HSL: (144, 75%, 28%)
Hex: #EB261C
RGB: (235, 38, 28)
Pantone: PMS 485 C
CMYK: (6, 97, 100, 1)
HSL: (3, 86%, 52%)
Lucknow Super Giants Hex Color Codes
The Lucknow Super Giants colors HEX codes are #F28B00 for Orange, #FECC00 for Yellow, #E9E9E9 for Gray, #81BC00 for Light Green, #127C33 for Green, #EB261C for Red, for , for , and #0057E2 for Blue.
Lucknow Super Giants RGB Color Codes
The Lucknow Super Giants colors RGB codes are (242, 139, 0) for Orange, (254, 204, 0) for Yellow, (233, 233, 233) for Gray, (129, 188, 0) for Light Green, (18, 124, 51) for Green, (235, 38, 28) for Red, for , for , and (0, 87, 226) for Blue.
Lucknow Super Giants Pantone Color Codes
The Lucknow Super Giants colors Pantone codes are PMS 144 C for Orange, PMS 116 C for Yellow, PMS 663 C for Gray, PMS 376 C for Light Green, PMS 7740 C for Green, PMS 485 C for Red, for , for , and PMS 2728 C for Blue.
Lucknow Super Giants CMYK Color Codes
The Lucknow Super Giants colors Pantone codes are (2, 54, 100, 0) for Orange, (1, 18, 100, 0) for Yellow, (7, 5, 6, 0) for Gray, (55, 3, 100, 0) for Light Green, (87, 27, 100, 14) for Green, (6, 97, 100, 1) for Red, for , for , and (85, 68, 0, 0) for Blue.
Lucknow Super Giants HSL Color Codes
The Lucknow Super Giants colors Pantone codes are (33, 100%, 47%) for Orange, (49, 100%, 50%) for Yellow, (0, 0%, 91%) for Gray, (80, 100%, 37%) for Light Green, (144, 75%, 28%) for Green, (3, 86%, 52%) for Red, for , for , and (217, 100%, 44%) for Blue.
Lucknow Super Giants Overview
- 📛 Nickname: LSG
- 📅 Year Founded: 2021
- 📍 Now Located in: Ekana Cricket Stadium, Lucknow
- ⚔️ Biggest Rival: TBD (since they are a relatively new team, fierce rivalries are still being established)
- 🏆 Greatest Success: TBD (since they are a new team, significant achievements are yet to come)
Lucknow Super Giants Logo
Lucknow Super Giants Logo PNG
Lucknow Super Giants Logo JPG
Lucknow Super Giants Logo Meaning
- Soaring Eagle: The eagle signifies strength, vision, and freedom, embodying the competitive spirit of the team.
- Tricolor Wings: The wings feature the Indian tricolor—saffron, white, and green—reflecting national pride and unity.
- Blue Color: Blue symbolizes depth, trust, and loyalty, emphasizing the team’s commitment and calm demeanor under pressure.
- Dynamic Shape: The fluid and energetic design represents agility, speed, and the forward momentum of the team.
- Golden Accents: Gold denotes excellence, high quality, and success, highlighting the team’s ambitious goals and desire for victory.
Lucknow Super Giants Logo Font
The font used in the Lucknow Super Giants logo is a bold and modern sans-serif typeface.
Its clean and sharp lines convey confidence and clarity, while maintaining a contemporary and energetic appearance, perfectly aligning with the team’s fresh and dynamic identity.