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The team colors of Osasuna are blue, red, white, and gold.

Below are the Hex, RGB, Pantone, CMYK, and HSL codes for these colors.

Additionally, we provide both PNG and JPG files of the Osasuna logo and explore its meaning.

Osasuna Color Palette

Osasuna Color Codes

Hex: #0A346F
RGB: (10, 52, 111)
Pantone: 3597 C
CMYK: (91, 53, 0, 56)
HSL: (218, 83, 24)
Hex: #D91A21
RGB: (217, 26, 33)
Pantone: 485 XGC
CMYK: (0, 88, 85, 15)
HSL: (356, 78, 48)
RGB: (255, 255, 255)
Pantone: P 1-1 C
CMYK: (0, 0, 0, 0)
HSL: (0, 0, 100)
Hex: #AD8F1F
RGB: (173, 143, 31)
Pantone: P 8-16 C
CMYK: (0, 17, 82, 32)
HSL: (48, 70, 40)






Osasuna Hex Color Codes

The Osasuna colors HEX codes are #D91A21 for red, #FFFFFF for white, #AD8F1F for gold, for , for , for , for , for , and #0A346F for blue.

The hex color code for Osasuna blue is #0A346F.
The hex color code for Osasuna red is #D91A21.
The hex color code for Osasuna white is #FFFFFF.
The hex color code for Osasuna gold is #AD8F1F.
The hex color code for Osasuna is .
The hex color code for Osasuna is .
The hex color code for Osasuna is .
The hex color code for Osasuna is .
The hex color code for Osasuna is .

Osasuna RGB Color Codes

The Osasuna colors RGB codes are (217, 26, 33) for red, (255, 255, 255) for white, (173, 143, 31) for gold, for , for , for , for , for , and (10, 52, 111) for blue.

The RGB color code for Osasuna blue is (10, 52, 111).
(10, 52, 111)
The RGB color code for Osasuna red is (217, 26, 33).
(217, 26, 33)
The RGB color code for Osasuna white is (255, 255, 255).
(255, 255, 255)
The RGB color code for Osasuna gold is (173, 143, 31).
(173, 143, 31)
The RGB color code for Osasuna is .
The RGB color code for Osasuna is .
The RGB color code for Osasuna is .
The RGB color code for Osasuna is .
The RGB color code for Osasuna is .

Osasuna Pantone Color Codes

The Osasuna colors Pantone codes are 485 XGC for red, P 1-1 C for white, P 8-16 C for gold, for , for , for , for , for , and 3597 C for blue.

The Pantone color code for Osasuna blue is 3597 C.
3597 C
The Pantone color code for Osasuna red is 485 XGC.
485 XGC
The Pantone color code for Osasuna white is P 1-1 C.
P 1-1 C
The Pantone color code for Osasuna gold is P 8-16 C.
P 8-16 C
The Pantone color code for Osasuna is .
The Pantone color code for Osasuna is .
The Pantone color code for Osasuna is .
The Pantone color code for Osasuna is .
The Pantone color code for Osasuna is .

Osasuna CMYK Color Codes

The Osasuna colors Pantone codes are (0, 88, 85, 15) for red, (0, 0, 0, 0) for white, (0, 17, 82, 32) for gold, for , for , for , for , for , and (91, 53, 0, 56) for blue.

The CMYK color code for Osasuna blue is (91, 53, 0, 56).
(91, 53, 0, 56)
The CMYK color code for Osasuna red is (0, 88, 85, 15).
(0, 88, 85, 15)
The CMYK color code for Osasuna white is (0, 0, 0, 0).
(0, 0, 0, 0)
The CMYK color code for Osasuna gold is (0, 17, 82, 32).
(0, 17, 82, 32)
The CMYK color code for Osasuna is .
The CMYK color code for Osasuna is .
The CMYK color code for Osasuna is .
The CMYK color code for Osasuna is .
The CMYK color code for Osasuna is .

Osasuna HSL Color Codes

The Osasuna colors Pantone codes are (356, 78, 48) for red, (0, 0, 100) for white, (48, 70, 40) for gold, for , for , for , for , for , and (218, 83, 24) for blue.

The HSL color code for Osasuna blue is (218, 83, 24).
(218, 83, 24)
The HSL color code for Osasuna red is (356, 78, 48).
(356, 78, 48)
The HSL color code for Osasuna white is (0, 0, 100).
(0, 0, 100)
The HSL color code for Osasuna gold is (48, 70, 40).
(48, 70, 40)
The HSL color code for Osasuna is .
The HSL color code for Osasuna is .
The HSL color code for Osasuna is .
The HSL color code for Osasuna is .
The HSL color code for Osasuna is .

Osasuna Overview

  • 📛 Nickname: Los Rojillos (The Little Reds)
  • 📅 Year Founded: 1920
  • 📍 Now Located in: Estadio El Sadar, Pamplona, Navarre
  • ⚔️ Biggest Rival: Real Zaragoza (The Navarre-Aragon Derby)
  • 🏆 Greatest Success: Reaching the UEFA Champions League qualifiers in the 2005-2006 season and runners-up in the 2004-2005 Copa del Rey

Osasuna Logo PNG

Osasuna Logo JPG

Osasuna Logo Meaning

  • Crown and Shield: The crown symbolizes the club’s royal heritage, reflecting its origins in the Navarre region, and the shield represents strength and defense.
  • Red Color: Red is a dominant color in the logo, showcasing the club’s passion, energy, and fierce competitive spirit.
  • Lions and Chains: The lions on either side of the shield and the chains represent the historical connection to Navarre, further emphasizing regional pride.
  • “CA” Inscription: “CA” stands for “Club Atlético,” reminding everyone of the club’s identity and mission in the world of football.

Osasuna Logo Font

The font used in the Osasuna logo is a custom serif typeface chosen to reflect tradition and elegance.

It conveys a sense of historical depth and sophistication, aligning with the club’s rich cultural history.

Color Codes of LaLiga Teams