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The team colors of Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks are red and gray.

Below are the Hex, RGB, Pantone, CMYK, and HSL codes for these colors.

Additionally, we provide both PNG and JPG files of the Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks logo and explore its meaning.

Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks Color Palette

Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks Color Codes

Hex: #C10230
RGB: (193, 2, 48)
Pantone: PMS 200 C
CMYK: (17, 100, 86, 7)
HSL: (348, 98%, 38%)
Hex: #766A62
RGB: (118, 106, 98)
Pantone: PMS Warm Gray 10 C
CMYK: (51, 51, 56, 19)
HSL: (30, 9%, 42%)








Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks Hex Color Codes

The Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks colors HEX codes are #766A62 for Gray, for , for , for , for , for , for , for , and #C10230 for Red.

The hex color code for Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks Red is #C10230.
The hex color code for Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks Gray is #766A62.
The hex color code for Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks is .
The hex color code for Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks is .
The hex color code for Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks is .
The hex color code for Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks is .
The hex color code for Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks is .
The hex color code for Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks is .
The hex color code for Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks is .

Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks RGB Color Codes

The Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks colors RGB codes are (118, 106, 98) for Gray, for , for , for , for , for , for , for , and (193, 2, 48) for Red.

The RGB color code for Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks Red is (193, 2, 48).
(193, 2, 48)
The RGB color code for Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks Gray is (118, 106, 98).
(118, 106, 98)
The RGB color code for Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks is .
The RGB color code for Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks is .
The RGB color code for Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks is .
The RGB color code for Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks is .
The RGB color code for Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks is .
The RGB color code for Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks is .
The RGB color code for Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks is .

Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks Pantone Color Codes

The Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks colors Pantone codes are PMS Warm Gray 10 C for Gray, for , for , for , for , for , for , for , and PMS 200 C for Red.

The Pantone color code for Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks Red is PMS 200 C.
PMS 200 C
The Pantone color code for Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks Gray is PMS Warm Gray 10 C.
PMS Warm Gray 10 C
The Pantone color code for Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks is .
The Pantone color code for Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks is .
The Pantone color code for Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks is .
The Pantone color code for Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks is .
The Pantone color code for Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks is .
The Pantone color code for Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks is .
The Pantone color code for Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks is .

Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks CMYK Color Codes

The Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks colors Pantone codes are (51, 51, 56, 19) for Gray, for , for , for , for , for , for , for , and (17, 100, 86, 7) for Red.

The CMYK color code for Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks Red is (17, 100, 86, 7).
(17, 100, 86, 7)
The CMYK color code for Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks Gray is (51, 51, 56, 19).
(51, 51, 56, 19)
The CMYK color code for Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks is .
The CMYK color code for Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks is .
The CMYK color code for Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks is .
The CMYK color code for Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks is .
The CMYK color code for Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks is .
The CMYK color code for Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks is .
The CMYK color code for Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks is .

Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks HSL Color Codes

The Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks colors Pantone codes are (30, 9%, 42%) for Gray, for , for , for , for , for , for , for , and (348, 98%, 38%) for Red.

The HSL color code for Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks Red is (348, 98%, 38%).
(348, 98%, 38%)
The HSL color code for Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks Gray is (30, 9%, 42%).
(30, 9%, 42%)
The HSL color code for Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks is .
The HSL color code for Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks is .
The HSL color code for Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks is .
The HSL color code for Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks is .
The HSL color code for Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks is .
The HSL color code for Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks is .
The HSL color code for Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks is .

Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks Overview

  • 📛 Nickname: Redhawks
  • 📅 Year Founded: 1866
  • 📍 Now Located In: Rochester, New York
  • ⚔️ Biggest Rival: Daemen Wildcats
  • 🏆 Greatest Success: NCAA Division II membership and various conference championships

Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks Logo PNG

Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks Logo JPG

Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks Logo Meaning

  • Red Hawk: The Red Hawk symbolizes agility, strength, and a soaring spirit, reflecting the dynamic and vibrant nature of the athletics program.
  • Red Color: The use of red signifies passion, energy, and a bold presence, embodying the team’s competitive spirit and commitment.
  • White Accents: White accents provide a sharp contrast, symbolizing integrity and clarity, highlighting the precision and dedication of the athletes.
  • Dynamic Posture: The aggressive stance of the hawk represents readiness and determination, showcasing the team’s readiness to face challenges head-on.
  • Wing Details: The detailed wings are emblematic of freedom and the ability to rise above obstacles, aligning with the aspirations and the persevering nature of the team members.

Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks Logo Font

The font used in the Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks logo is a custom serif typeface.

It reflects a traditional yet vigorous image, conveying both the historical value and the spirited essence of the team.

Color Codes of NCAA Division I Teams