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The team colors of St. Bonaventure Bonnies are brown, gold, and gray.

Below are the Hex, RGB, Pantone, CMYK, and HSL codes for these colors.

Additionally, we provide both PNG and JPG files of the St. Bonaventure Bonnies logo and explore its meaning.

St. Bonaventure Bonnies Color Palette

St. Bonaventure Bonnies Color Codes

Hex: #54261a
RGB: (84, 38, 26)
Pantone: PMS 477 C
CMYK: (41, 79, 82, 59)
HSL: (13, 52, 22)
Hex: #fdb726
RGB: (253, 183, 38)
Pantone: PMS 123 C
CMYK: (0, 28, 85, 1)
HSL: (38, 98, 57)
Hex: #bdb6b0
RGB: (189, 182, 176)
Pantone: PMS WARM GRAY 4
CMYK: (0, 4, 7, 26)
HSL: (30, 8, 72)







St. Bonaventure Bonnies Hex Color Codes

The St. Bonaventure Bonnies colors HEX codes are #fdb726 for gold, #bdb6b0 for gray, for , for , for , for , for , for , and #54261a for brown.

The hex color code for St. Bonaventure Bonnies brown is #54261a.
The hex color code for St. Bonaventure Bonnies gold is #fdb726.
The hex color code for St. Bonaventure Bonnies gray is #bdb6b0.
The hex color code for St. Bonaventure Bonnies is .
The hex color code for St. Bonaventure Bonnies is .
The hex color code for St. Bonaventure Bonnies is .
The hex color code for St. Bonaventure Bonnies is .
The hex color code for St. Bonaventure Bonnies is .
The hex color code for St. Bonaventure Bonnies is .

St. Bonaventure Bonnies RGB Color Codes

The St. Bonaventure Bonnies colors RGB codes are (253, 183, 38) for gold, (189, 182, 176) for gray, for , for , for , for , for , for , and (84, 38, 26) for brown.

The RGB color code for St. Bonaventure Bonnies brown is (84, 38, 26).
(84, 38, 26)
The RGB color code for St. Bonaventure Bonnies gold is (253, 183, 38).
(253, 183, 38)
The RGB color code for St. Bonaventure Bonnies gray is (189, 182, 176).
(189, 182, 176)
The RGB color code for St. Bonaventure Bonnies is .
The RGB color code for St. Bonaventure Bonnies is .
The RGB color code for St. Bonaventure Bonnies is .
The RGB color code for St. Bonaventure Bonnies is .
The RGB color code for St. Bonaventure Bonnies is .
The RGB color code for St. Bonaventure Bonnies is .

St. Bonaventure Bonnies Pantone Color Codes

The St. Bonaventure Bonnies colors Pantone codes are PMS 123 C for gold, PMS WARM GRAY 4 for gray, for , for , for , for , for , for , and PMS 477 C for brown.

The Pantone color code for St. Bonaventure Bonnies brown is PMS 477 C.
PMS 477 C
The Pantone color code for St. Bonaventure Bonnies gold is PMS 123 C.
PMS 123 C
The Pantone color code for St. Bonaventure Bonnies gray is PMS WARM GRAY 4.
The Pantone color code for St. Bonaventure Bonnies is .
The Pantone color code for St. Bonaventure Bonnies is .
The Pantone color code for St. Bonaventure Bonnies is .
The Pantone color code for St. Bonaventure Bonnies is .
The Pantone color code for St. Bonaventure Bonnies is .
The Pantone color code for St. Bonaventure Bonnies is .

St. Bonaventure Bonnies CMYK Color Codes

The St. Bonaventure Bonnies colors Pantone codes are (0, 28, 85, 1) for gold, (0, 4, 7, 26) for gray, for , for , for , for , for , for , and (41, 79, 82, 59) for brown.

The CMYK color code for St. Bonaventure Bonnies brown is (41, 79, 82, 59).
(41, 79, 82, 59)
The CMYK color code for St. Bonaventure Bonnies gold is (0, 28, 85, 1).
(0, 28, 85, 1)
The CMYK color code for St. Bonaventure Bonnies gray is (0, 4, 7, 26).
(0, 4, 7, 26)
The CMYK color code for St. Bonaventure Bonnies is .
The CMYK color code for St. Bonaventure Bonnies is .
The CMYK color code for St. Bonaventure Bonnies is .
The CMYK color code for St. Bonaventure Bonnies is .
The CMYK color code for St. Bonaventure Bonnies is .
The CMYK color code for St. Bonaventure Bonnies is .

St. Bonaventure Bonnies HSL Color Codes

The St. Bonaventure Bonnies colors Pantone codes are (38, 98, 57) for gold, (30, 8, 72) for gray, for , for , for , for , for , for , and (13, 52, 22) for brown.

The HSL color code for St. Bonaventure Bonnies brown is (13, 52, 22).
(13, 52, 22)
The HSL color code for St. Bonaventure Bonnies gold is (38, 98, 57).
(38, 98, 57)
The HSL color code for St. Bonaventure Bonnies gray is (30, 8, 72).
(30, 8, 72)
The HSL color code for St. Bonaventure Bonnies is .
The HSL color code for St. Bonaventure Bonnies is .
The HSL color code for St. Bonaventure Bonnies is .
The HSL color code for St. Bonaventure Bonnies is .
The HSL color code for St. Bonaventure Bonnies is .
The HSL color code for St. Bonaventure Bonnies is .

St. Bonaventure Bonnies Overview

  • 📛 Nickname: The Bonnies
  • 📅 Year Founded: 1858
  • 📍 Now Located in: St. Bonaventure, New York
  • ⚔️ Biggest Rival: Siena Saints
  • 🏆 Greatest Success: NCAA Men’s Basketball Final Four appearance in 1970

St. Bonaventure Bonnies Logo PNG

St. Bonaventure Bonnies Logo JPG

St. Bonaventure Bonnies Logo Meaning

  • Brown and White Colors: The brown represents the humility and grounded nature of the institution, while the white signifies purity and excellence in academics and sports.
  • Bold ‘B’ Design: The bold ‘B’ is a central feature, highlighting the strong identity and pride of the Bonnies sports teams.
  • Wolf’s Head Icon: The wolf’s head symbolizes courage, leadership, and a strong sense of community, reflecting the characteristics St. Bonaventure University aims to instill in its students.
  • Modern Aesthetic: The sleek and modern design speaks to the forward-thinking and progressive nature of the university, blending tradition with contemporary elements.

St. Bonaventure Bonnies Logo Font

The font used in the St. Bonaventure Bonnies logo is a custom, bold sans-serif typeface, chosen for its modern and athletic appearance.

It is designed to be clean and impactful, ensuring clarity and strong recognizability across various platforms.

Color Codes of NCAA Division I Teams