The team colors of Wealdstone F.C. are white, light blue, red, green, and tan.
Below are the Hex, RGB, Pantone, CMYK, and HSL codes for these colors.
Additionally, we provide both PNG and JPG files of the Wealdstone F.C. logo and explore its meaning.
Wealdstone F.C. Color Palette
Wealdstone F.C. Color Codes
RGB: (255, 255, 255)
Pantone: PMS White
CMYK: (0, 0, 0, 0)
HSL: (0, 0, 100)
Hex: #2B6CB4
RGB: (43, 108, 180)
Pantone: PMS 278 C
CMYK: (77, 43, 0, 29)
HSL: (212, 61, 44)
Hex: #CF362E
RGB: (207, 54, 46)
Pantone: PMS 179 C
CMYK: (0, 74, 78, 19)
HSL: (4, 64, 50)
Hex: #008147
RGB: (0, 129, 71)
Pantone: PMS 3415 C
CMYK: (100, 0, 45, 49)
HSL: (157, 100, 25)
Hex: #CBAD5C
RGB: (203, 173, 92)
Pantone: PMS 4525 C
CMYK: (0, 15, 55, 20)
HSL: (47, 51, 58)
Wealdstone F.C. Hex Color Codes
The Wealdstone F.C. colors HEX codes are #2B6CB4 for Light Blue, #CF362E for Red, #008147 for Green, #CBAD5C for Tan, for , for , for , for , and #FFFFFF for White.
Wealdstone F.C. RGB Color Codes
The Wealdstone F.C. colors RGB codes are (43, 108, 180) for Light Blue, (207, 54, 46) for Red, (0, 129, 71) for Green, (203, 173, 92) for Tan, for , for , for , for , and (255, 255, 255) for White.
Wealdstone F.C. Pantone Color Codes
The Wealdstone F.C. colors Pantone codes are PMS 278 C for Light Blue, PMS 179 C for Red, PMS 3415 C for Green, PMS 4525 C for Tan, for , for , for , for , and PMS White for White.
Wealdstone F.C. CMYK Color Codes
The Wealdstone F.C. colors Pantone codes are (77, 43, 0, 29) for Light Blue, (0, 74, 78, 19) for Red, (100, 0, 45, 49) for Green, (0, 15, 55, 20) for Tan, for , for , for , for , and (0, 0, 0, 0) for White.
Wealdstone F.C. HSL Color Codes
The Wealdstone F.C. colors Pantone codes are (212, 61, 44) for Light Blue, (4, 64, 50) for Red, (157, 100, 25) for Green, (47, 51, 58) for Tan, for , for , for , for , and (0, 0, 100) for White.
Wealdstone F.C. Overview
- 📛 Nickname: The Stones
- 📅 Year Founded: 1899
- 📍 Now Located in: Grosvenor Vale, Ruislip
- ⚔️ Biggest Rival: Harrow Borough
- 🏆 Greatest Success: Winning the FA Trophy in 1985
Wealdstone F.C. Logo
Wealdstone F.C. Logo PNG
Wealdstone F.C. Logo JPG
Wealdstone F.C. Logo Meaning
- White Castle: Symbolizes strength and protection, reflecting the club’s robust defense and its historic roots tied to the Wealdstone area.
- Blue Background: Represents calmness and loyalty, illustrating the club’s dedication and the serene atmosphere of the community.
- Yellow Accents: Signifies joy and optimism, highlighting the club’s positive spirit and its bright future aspirations.
- Cross Keys: Denotes authority and the key to success, emphasizing the club’s ambitious goals and strong foundation.
Wealdstone F.C. Logo Font
The font used in the Wealdstone F.C. logo is a custom sans-serif typeface, designed to be modern and clean.
It’s chosen because it looks contemporary and approachable, reflecting the club’s progressive attitude and community-focused values.