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The team colors of BC Dinamo Tbilisi are blue, light steel blue, and moccasin.

Below are the Hex, RGB, Pantone, CMYK, and HSL codes for these colors.

Additionally, we provide both PNG and JPG files of the BC Dinamo Tbilisi logo and explore its meaning.

BC Dinamo Tbilisi Color Palette

BC Dinamo Tbilisi Color Codes

Hex: #104C99
RGB: (16, 76, 153)
Pantone: PMS 7455 C
CMYK: (93, 71, 26, 6)
HSL: (214, 81, 33)
Light Steel Blue
Hex: #43617D
RGB: (67, 97, 125)
Pantone: PMS 5405 C
CMYK: (79, 16, 81, 7)
HSL: (209, 30, 38)
Hex: #F3BC62
RGB: (243, 188, 98)
Pantone: PMS 1355 C
CMYK: (80, 71, 37, 18)
HSL: (39, 84, 67)







BC Dinamo Tbilisi Hex Color Codes

The BC Dinamo Tbilisi colors HEX codes are #43617D for Light Steel Blue, #F3BC62 for Moccasin, for , for , for , for , for , for , and #104C99 for Blue.

The hex color code for BC Dinamo Tbilisi Blue is #104C99.
The hex color code for BC Dinamo Tbilisi Light Steel Blue is #43617D.
The hex color code for BC Dinamo Tbilisi Moccasin is #F3BC62.
The hex color code for BC Dinamo Tbilisi is .
The hex color code for BC Dinamo Tbilisi is .
The hex color code for BC Dinamo Tbilisi is .
The hex color code for BC Dinamo Tbilisi is .
The hex color code for BC Dinamo Tbilisi is .
The hex color code for BC Dinamo Tbilisi is .

BC Dinamo Tbilisi RGB Color Codes

The BC Dinamo Tbilisi colors RGB codes are (67, 97, 125) for Light Steel Blue, (243, 188, 98) for Moccasin, for , for , for , for , for , for , and (16, 76, 153) for Blue.

The RGB color code for BC Dinamo Tbilisi Blue is (16, 76, 153).
(16, 76, 153)
The RGB color code for BC Dinamo Tbilisi Light Steel Blue is (67, 97, 125).
(67, 97, 125)
The RGB color code for BC Dinamo Tbilisi Moccasin is (243, 188, 98).
(243, 188, 98)
The RGB color code for BC Dinamo Tbilisi is .
The RGB color code for BC Dinamo Tbilisi is .
The RGB color code for BC Dinamo Tbilisi is .
The RGB color code for BC Dinamo Tbilisi is .
The RGB color code for BC Dinamo Tbilisi is .
The RGB color code for BC Dinamo Tbilisi is .

BC Dinamo Tbilisi Pantone Color Codes

The BC Dinamo Tbilisi colors Pantone codes are PMS 5405 C for Light Steel Blue, PMS 1355 C for Moccasin, for , for , for , for , for , for , and PMS 7455 C for Blue.

The Pantone color code for BC Dinamo Tbilisi Blue is PMS 7455 C.
PMS 7455 C
The Pantone color code for BC Dinamo Tbilisi Light Steel Blue is PMS 5405 C.
PMS 5405 C
The Pantone color code for BC Dinamo Tbilisi Moccasin is PMS 1355 C.
PMS 1355 C
The Pantone color code for BC Dinamo Tbilisi is .
The Pantone color code for BC Dinamo Tbilisi is .
The Pantone color code for BC Dinamo Tbilisi is .
The Pantone color code for BC Dinamo Tbilisi is .
The Pantone color code for BC Dinamo Tbilisi is .
The Pantone color code for BC Dinamo Tbilisi is .

BC Dinamo Tbilisi CMYK Color Codes

The BC Dinamo Tbilisi colors Pantone codes are (79, 16, 81, 7) for Light Steel Blue, (80, 71, 37, 18) for Moccasin, for , for , for , for , for , for , and (93, 71, 26, 6) for Blue.

The CMYK color code for BC Dinamo Tbilisi Blue is (93, 71, 26, 6).
(93, 71, 26, 6)
The CMYK color code for BC Dinamo Tbilisi Light Steel Blue is (79, 16, 81, 7).
(79, 16, 81, 7)
The CMYK color code for BC Dinamo Tbilisi Moccasin is (80, 71, 37, 18).
(80, 71, 37, 18)
The CMYK color code for BC Dinamo Tbilisi is .
The CMYK color code for BC Dinamo Tbilisi is .
The CMYK color code for BC Dinamo Tbilisi is .
The CMYK color code for BC Dinamo Tbilisi is .
The CMYK color code for BC Dinamo Tbilisi is .
The CMYK color code for BC Dinamo Tbilisi is .

BC Dinamo Tbilisi HSL Color Codes

The BC Dinamo Tbilisi colors Pantone codes are (209, 30, 38) for Light Steel Blue, (39, 84, 67) for Moccasin, for , for , for , for , for , for , and (214, 81, 33) for Blue.

The HSL color code for BC Dinamo Tbilisi Blue is (214, 81, 33).
(214, 81, 33)
The HSL color code for BC Dinamo Tbilisi Light Steel Blue is (209, 30, 38).
(209, 30, 38)
The HSL color code for BC Dinamo Tbilisi Moccasin is (39, 84, 67).
(39, 84, 67)
The HSL color code for BC Dinamo Tbilisi is .
The HSL color code for BC Dinamo Tbilisi is .
The HSL color code for BC Dinamo Tbilisi is .
The HSL color code for BC Dinamo Tbilisi is .
The HSL color code for BC Dinamo Tbilisi is .
The HSL color code for BC Dinamo Tbilisi is .

BC Dinamo Tbilisi Overview

  • 📛 Nickname: Blue-Whites
  • 📅 Year Founded: 1934
  • 📍 Now Located in: Tbilisi Sports Palace, Tbilisi, Georgia
  • ⚔️ Biggest Rival: BC Rustavi
  • 🏆 Greatest Success: Multiple Soviet Union Championships and Georgian Super League Titles

BC Dinamo Tbilisi Logo PNG

BC Dinamo Tbilisi Logo JPG

BC Dinamo Tbilisi Logo Meaning

  • D-Shape: The prominent ‘D’ stands for ‘Dinamo,’ emphasizing the club’s identity and heritage.
  • Blue and White Colors: Blue represents stability, trust, and loyalty, while white signifies purity and peace, reflecting the club’s values and ethos.
  • Basketball Iconography: The inclusion of a basketball represents the sport itself, clearly indicating the club’s focus and dedication to basketball.
  • Dynamic Lines: The dynamic lines and forms around the logo give a sense of motion and energy, symbolizing the team’s active and vibrant nature.
  • Modern Aesthetic: The sleek, modern design of the logo conveys a contemporary and forward-thinking approach, aligning with the club’s vision for the future.

BC Dinamo Tbilisi Logo Font

The font used in the BC Dinamo Tbilisi logo is a custom sans-serif typeface.

It’s chosen for its modern and clean appearance, ensuring that the logo is easily readable and visually appealing, enhancing the club’s professional image.

Color Codes of Euroleague Teams