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The team colors of Eintracht Frankfurt are red, white, and black.

Below are the Hex, RGB, Pantone, CMYK, and HSL codes for these colors.

Additionally, we provide both PNG and JPG files of the Eintracht Frankfurt logo and explore its meaning.

Eintracht Frankfurt Color Palette

Eintracht Frankfurt Color Codes

Hex: #E1000F
RGB: (225, 0, 15)
Pantone: PMS 2347 C
CMYK: (5, 100, 100, 1)
HSL: (358, 100%, 44%)
RGB: (255, 255, 255)
CMYK: (0, 0, 0, 0)
HSL: (0, 0%, 100%)
Hex: #000000
RGB: (0, 0, 0)
Pantone: PMS Black 6 C
CMYK: (0, 0, 0, 100)
HSL: (0, 0%, 0%)







Eintracht Frankfurt Hex Color Codes

The Eintracht Frankfurt colors HEX codes are #FFFFFF for white, #000000 for black, for , for , for , for , for , for , and #E1000F for red.

The hex color code for Eintracht Frankfurt red is #E1000F.
The hex color code for Eintracht Frankfurt white is #FFFFFF.
The hex color code for Eintracht Frankfurt black is #000000.
The hex color code for Eintracht Frankfurt is .
The hex color code for Eintracht Frankfurt is .
The hex color code for Eintracht Frankfurt is .
The hex color code for Eintracht Frankfurt is .
The hex color code for Eintracht Frankfurt is .
The hex color code for Eintracht Frankfurt is .

Eintracht Frankfurt RGB Color Codes

The Eintracht Frankfurt colors RGB codes are (255, 255, 255) for white, (0, 0, 0) for black, for , for , for , for , for , for , and (225, 0, 15) for red.

The RGB color code for Eintracht Frankfurt red is (225, 0, 15).
(225, 0, 15)
The RGB color code for Eintracht Frankfurt white is (255, 255, 255).
(255, 255, 255)
The RGB color code for Eintracht Frankfurt black is (0, 0, 0).
(0, 0, 0)
The RGB color code for Eintracht Frankfurt is .
The RGB color code for Eintracht Frankfurt is .
The RGB color code for Eintracht Frankfurt is .
The RGB color code for Eintracht Frankfurt is .
The RGB color code for Eintracht Frankfurt is .
The RGB color code for Eintracht Frankfurt is .

Eintracht Frankfurt Pantone Color Codes

The Eintracht Frankfurt colors Pantone codes are for white, PMS Black 6 C for black, for , for , for , for , for , for , and PMS 2347 C for red.

The Pantone color code for Eintracht Frankfurt red is PMS 2347 C.
PMS 2347 C
The Pantone color code for Eintracht Frankfurt white is .
The Pantone color code for Eintracht Frankfurt black is PMS Black 6 C.
PMS Black 6 C
The Pantone color code for Eintracht Frankfurt is .
The Pantone color code for Eintracht Frankfurt is .
The Pantone color code for Eintracht Frankfurt is .
The Pantone color code for Eintracht Frankfurt is .
The Pantone color code for Eintracht Frankfurt is .
The Pantone color code for Eintracht Frankfurt is .

Eintracht Frankfurt CMYK Color Codes

The Eintracht Frankfurt colors Pantone codes are (0, 0, 0, 0) for white, (0, 0, 0, 100) for black, for , for , for , for , for , for , and (5, 100, 100, 1) for red.

The CMYK color code for Eintracht Frankfurt red is (5, 100, 100, 1).
(5, 100, 100, 1)
The CMYK color code for Eintracht Frankfurt white is (0, 0, 0, 0).
(0, 0, 0, 0)
The CMYK color code for Eintracht Frankfurt black is (0, 0, 0, 100).
(0, 0, 0, 100)
The CMYK color code for Eintracht Frankfurt is .
The CMYK color code for Eintracht Frankfurt is .
The CMYK color code for Eintracht Frankfurt is .
The CMYK color code for Eintracht Frankfurt is .
The CMYK color code for Eintracht Frankfurt is .
The CMYK color code for Eintracht Frankfurt is .

Eintracht Frankfurt HSL Color Codes

The Eintracht Frankfurt colors Pantone codes are (0, 0%, 100%) for white, (0, 0%, 0%) for black, for , for , for , for , for , for , and (358, 100%, 44%) for red.

The HSL color code for Eintracht Frankfurt red is (358, 100%, 44%).
(358, 100%, 44%)
The HSL color code for Eintracht Frankfurt white is (0, 0%, 100%).
(0, 0%, 100%)
The HSL color code for Eintracht Frankfurt black is (0, 0%, 0%).
(0, 0%, 0%)
The HSL color code for Eintracht Frankfurt is .
The HSL color code for Eintracht Frankfurt is .
The HSL color code for Eintracht Frankfurt is .
The HSL color code for Eintracht Frankfurt is .
The HSL color code for Eintracht Frankfurt is .
The HSL color code for Eintracht Frankfurt is .

Eintracht Frankfurt Overview

  • 📛 Nickname: Die Adler (The Eagles)
  • 📅 Year Founded: 1899
  • 📍 Now Located in: Deutsche Bank Park, Frankfurt, Germany
  • ⚔️ Biggest Rival: Kickers Offenbach (Main Derby)
  • 🏆 Greatest Success: UEFA Europa League Winners 1979–80, 2021–22

Eintracht Frankfurt Logo PNG

Eintracht Frankfurt Logo JPG

Eintracht Frankfurt Logo Meaning

  • Eagle Emblem: The eagle symbolizes strength, freedom, and power, reflecting the club’s heritage and ambition. Its origin can be traced back to the city of Frankfurt’s coat of arms.
  • Red and Black Colors: Red stands for passion, energy, and determination, while black represents authority, elegance, and dominance. Together, they encapsulate the club’s identity and spirit.
  • Laurel Wreath: The laurel wreath indicates victory and honor, symbolizing the club’s achievements and aspirations for success.
  • Shield Shape: The shield signifies protection and resilience, portraying the club’s strength and endurance through its history.

Eintracht Frankfurt Logo Font

The font used in the Eintracht Frankfurt logo is a customized version of Futura, designed by Paul Renner.

It’s selected for its modern and geometric style, which aligns with the club’s forward-looking approach. The font’s clean and bold letters ensure easy readability and a distinctive look.

Color Codes of Bundesliga Teams