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The team colors of Indiana Fever are red, blue, and yellow.

Below are the Hex, RGB, Pantone, CMYK, and HSL codes for these colors.

Additionally, we provide both PNG and JPG files of the Indiana Fever logo and explore its meaning.

Indiana Fever Color Palette

Indiana Fever Color Codes

Hex: #C8102E
RGB: (224, 58, 62)
Pantone: PMS 186
CMYK: (0, 91, 76, 6)
HSL: (359, 74%, 55%)
Hex: #041E42
RGB: (0, 45, 98)
Pantone: PMS 282
CMYK: (100, 68, 0, 54)
HSL: (212, 100%, 19%)
Hex: #FFCD00
RGB: (255, 213, 32)
Pantone: PMS 116
CMYK: (0, 15, 94, 0)
HSL: (49, 100%, 56%)







Indiana Fever Hex Color Codes

The Indiana Fever colors HEX codes are #041E42 for blue, #FFCD00 for yellow, for , for , for , for , for , for , and #C8102E for red.

The hex color code for Indiana Fever red is #C8102E.
The hex color code for Indiana Fever blue is #041E42.
The hex color code for Indiana Fever yellow is #FFCD00.
The hex color code for Indiana Fever is .
The hex color code for Indiana Fever is .
The hex color code for Indiana Fever is .
The hex color code for Indiana Fever is .
The hex color code for Indiana Fever is .
The hex color code for Indiana Fever is .

Indiana Fever RGB Color Codes

The Indiana Fever colors RGB codes are (0, 45, 98) for blue, (255, 213, 32) for yellow, for , for , for , for , for , for , and (224, 58, 62) for red.

The RGB color code for Indiana Fever red is (224, 58, 62).
(224, 58, 62)
The RGB color code for Indiana Fever blue is (0, 45, 98).
(0, 45, 98)
The RGB color code for Indiana Fever yellow is (255, 213, 32).
(255, 213, 32)
The RGB color code for Indiana Fever is .
The RGB color code for Indiana Fever is .
The RGB color code for Indiana Fever is .
The RGB color code for Indiana Fever is .
The RGB color code for Indiana Fever is .
The RGB color code for Indiana Fever is .

Indiana Fever Pantone Color Codes

The Indiana Fever colors Pantone codes are PMS 282 for blue, PMS 116 for yellow, for , for , for , for , for , for , and PMS 186 for red.

The Pantone color code for Indiana Fever red is PMS 186.
PMS 186
The Pantone color code for Indiana Fever blue is PMS 282.
PMS 282
The Pantone color code for Indiana Fever yellow is PMS 116.
PMS 116
The Pantone color code for Indiana Fever is .
The Pantone color code for Indiana Fever is .
The Pantone color code for Indiana Fever is .
The Pantone color code for Indiana Fever is .
The Pantone color code for Indiana Fever is .
The Pantone color code for Indiana Fever is .

Indiana Fever CMYK Color Codes

The Indiana Fever colors Pantone codes are (100, 68, 0, 54) for blue, (0, 15, 94, 0) for yellow, for , for , for , for , for , for , and (0, 91, 76, 6) for red.

The CMYK color code for Indiana Fever red is (0, 91, 76, 6).
(0, 91, 76, 6)
The CMYK color code for Indiana Fever blue is (100, 68, 0, 54).
(100, 68, 0, 54)
The CMYK color code for Indiana Fever yellow is (0, 15, 94, 0).
(0, 15, 94, 0)
The CMYK color code for Indiana Fever is .
The CMYK color code for Indiana Fever is .
The CMYK color code for Indiana Fever is .
The CMYK color code for Indiana Fever is .
The CMYK color code for Indiana Fever is .
The CMYK color code for Indiana Fever is .

Indiana Fever HSL Color Codes

The Indiana Fever colors Pantone codes are (212, 100%, 19%) for blue, (49, 100%, 56%) for yellow, for , for , for , for , for , for , and (359, 74%, 55%) for red.

The HSL color code for Indiana Fever red is (359, 74%, 55%).
(359, 74%, 55%)
The HSL color code for Indiana Fever blue is (212, 100%, 19%).
(212, 100%, 19%)
The HSL color code for Indiana Fever yellow is (49, 100%, 56%).
(49, 100%, 56%)
The HSL color code for Indiana Fever is .
The HSL color code for Indiana Fever is .
The HSL color code for Indiana Fever is .
The HSL color code for Indiana Fever is .
The HSL color code for Indiana Fever is .
The HSL color code for Indiana Fever is .

Indiana Fever Overview

  • 📛 Nickname: The Fever
  • 📅 Year Founded: 2000
  • 📍 Now Located in: Gainbridge Fieldhouse, Indianapolis, Indiana
  • ⚔️ Biggest Rival: Chicago Sky
  • 🏆 Greatest Success: 2012 WNBA Championship

Indiana Fever Logo PNG

Indiana Fever Logo JPG

Indiana Fever Logo Meaning

  • Basketball Icon: The primary element of the logo, the basketball, reflects the team’s sport and their goal-oriented nature.
  • Flame Motif: The flame symbolizes the team’s fiery passion, energy, and desire to succeed on the court.
  • Red and Navy Colors: Red represents the team’s courage and determination, while navy blue stands for professionalism and trustworthiness.
  • Gold Accents: Gold details denote excellence and high standards, echoing the team’s ambitions and successes.

Indiana Fever Logo Font

The font used in the Indiana Fever logo is a custom serif typeface, crafted to embody both elegance and strength.

This typeface was selected to give a unique and timeless appeal, making it instantly recognizable and visually appealing.

Color Codes of WNBA Teams