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The team colors of Minnesota Lynx are navy, blue, green, and gray.

Below are the Hex, RGB, Pantone, CMYK, and HSL codes for these colors.

Additionally, we provide both PNG and JPG files of the Minnesota Lynx logo and explore its meaning.

Minnesota Lynx Color Palette

Minnesota Lynx Color Codes

Hex: #0C2340
RGB: (12, 35, 64)
Pantone: PMS 289
CMYK: (100, 76, 12, 70)
HSL: (210, 68%, 15%)
Hex: #236192
RGB: (35, 97, 146)
Pantone: PMS 647
CMYK: (96, 54, 5, 27)
HSL: (209, 61%, 35%)
Hex: #78BE20
RGB: (120, 190, 32)
Pantone: PMS 368
CMYK: (65, 0, 100, 0)
HSL: (81, 71%, 44%)
Hex: #9EA2A2
RGB: (158, 162, 162)
Pantone: PMS 422
CMYK: (19, 12, 13, 34)
HSL: (180, 2%, 63%)






Minnesota Lynx Hex Color Codes

The Minnesota Lynx colors HEX codes are #236192 for blue, #78BE20 for green, #9EA2A2 for gray, for , for , for , for , for , and #0C2340 for navy.

The hex color code for Minnesota Lynx navy is #0C2340.
The hex color code for Minnesota Lynx blue is #236192.
The hex color code for Minnesota Lynx green is #78BE20.
The hex color code for Minnesota Lynx gray is #9EA2A2.
The hex color code for Minnesota Lynx is .
The hex color code for Minnesota Lynx is .
The hex color code for Minnesota Lynx is .
The hex color code for Minnesota Lynx is .
The hex color code for Minnesota Lynx is .

Minnesota Lynx RGB Color Codes

The Minnesota Lynx colors RGB codes are (35, 97, 146) for blue, (120, 190, 32) for green, (158, 162, 162) for gray, for , for , for , for , for , and (12, 35, 64) for navy.

The RGB color code for Minnesota Lynx navy is (12, 35, 64).
(12, 35, 64)
The RGB color code for Minnesota Lynx blue is (35, 97, 146).
(35, 97, 146)
The RGB color code for Minnesota Lynx green is (120, 190, 32).
(120, 190, 32)
The RGB color code for Minnesota Lynx gray is (158, 162, 162).
(158, 162, 162)
The RGB color code for Minnesota Lynx is .
The RGB color code for Minnesota Lynx is .
The RGB color code for Minnesota Lynx is .
The RGB color code for Minnesota Lynx is .
The RGB color code for Minnesota Lynx is .

Minnesota Lynx Pantone Color Codes

The Minnesota Lynx colors Pantone codes are PMS 647 for blue, PMS 368 for green, PMS 422 for gray, for , for , for , for , for , and PMS 289 for navy.

The Pantone color code for Minnesota Lynx navy is PMS 289.
PMS 289
The Pantone color code for Minnesota Lynx blue is PMS 647.
PMS 647
The Pantone color code for Minnesota Lynx green is PMS 368.
PMS 368
The Pantone color code for Minnesota Lynx gray is PMS 422.
PMS 422
The Pantone color code for Minnesota Lynx is .
The Pantone color code for Minnesota Lynx is .
The Pantone color code for Minnesota Lynx is .
The Pantone color code for Minnesota Lynx is .
The Pantone color code for Minnesota Lynx is .

Minnesota Lynx CMYK Color Codes

The Minnesota Lynx colors Pantone codes are (96, 54, 5, 27) for blue, (65, 0, 100, 0) for green, (19, 12, 13, 34) for gray, for , for , for , for , for , and (100, 76, 12, 70) for navy.

The CMYK color code for Minnesota Lynx navy is (100, 76, 12, 70).
(100, 76, 12, 70)
The CMYK color code for Minnesota Lynx blue is (96, 54, 5, 27).
(96, 54, 5, 27)
The CMYK color code for Minnesota Lynx green is (65, 0, 100, 0).
(65, 0, 100, 0)
The CMYK color code for Minnesota Lynx gray is (19, 12, 13, 34).
(19, 12, 13, 34)
The CMYK color code for Minnesota Lynx is .
The CMYK color code for Minnesota Lynx is .
The CMYK color code for Minnesota Lynx is .
The CMYK color code for Minnesota Lynx is .
The CMYK color code for Minnesota Lynx is .

Minnesota Lynx HSL Color Codes

The Minnesota Lynx colors Pantone codes are (209, 61%, 35%) for blue, (81, 71%, 44%) for green, (180, 2%, 63%) for gray, for , for , for , for , for , and (210, 68%, 15%) for navy.

The HSL color code for Minnesota Lynx navy is (210, 68%, 15%).
(210, 68%, 15%)
The HSL color code for Minnesota Lynx blue is (209, 61%, 35%).
(209, 61%, 35%)
The HSL color code for Minnesota Lynx green is (81, 71%, 44%).
(81, 71%, 44%)
The HSL color code for Minnesota Lynx gray is (180, 2%, 63%).
(180, 2%, 63%)
The HSL color code for Minnesota Lynx is .
The HSL color code for Minnesota Lynx is .
The HSL color code for Minnesota Lynx is .
The HSL color code for Minnesota Lynx is .
The HSL color code for Minnesota Lynx is .

Minnesota Lynx Overview

  • 📛 Nickname: Lynx
  • 📅 Year Founded: 1999
  • 📍 Now Located in: Target Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota
  • ⚔️ Biggest Rival: Los Angeles Sparks
  • 🏆 Greatest Success: 4 WNBA Championships (2011, 2013, 2015, 2017)

Minnesota Lynx Logo PNG

Minnesota Lynx Logo JPG

Minnesota Lynx Logo Meaning

  • Ferocious Lynx: The lynx symbolizes agility, strength, and fierce competitiveness, embodying the team’s spirit.
  • Blue and Green Colors: Blue represents loyalty and trust, while green symbolizes growth, harmony, and the team’s connection to Minnesota’s natural beauty.
  • Star Emblem: The star signifies excellence and high aspirations, reflecting the team’s pursuit of success and championship titles.
  • Circling Lines: The lines around the lynx’s head suggest movement, energy, and unity, showing that the team is dynamic and cohesive.

Minnesota Lynx Logo Font

The font used in the Minnesota Lynx logo is a customized bold sans-serif typeface.

It’s chosen because it looks modern and powerful, fitting the dynamic and aggressive image of the team. The strong, clean lines ensure readability and give a distinctive look.

Color Codes of WNBA Teams