The team colors of Mercedes AMG Petronas F1 Team are black, silver, dark gray, Tiffany green, and white.
Below are the Hex, RGB, Pantone, CMYK, and HSL codes for these colors.
Additionally, we provide both PNG and JPG files of the Mercedes AMG Petronas F1 Team logo and explore its meaning.
Mercedes AMG Petronas F1 Team Color Palette
Mercedes AMG Petronas F1 Team Color Codes
Hex: #000000
RGB: (0, 0, 0)
Pantone: PMS Neutral Black C
CMYK: (0, 0, 0, 100)
HSL: (0, 0, 0)
Hex: #C8CCCE
RGB: (200, 204, 206)
Pantone: PMS 427 C
CMYK: (3, 1, 0, 19)
HSL: (210, 2, 80)
Hex: #565F64
RGB: (86, 95, 100)
Pantone: PMS 445 C
CMYK: (14, 5, 0, 61)
HSL: (204, 7, 36)
Hex: #00A19B
RGB: (0, 161, 155)
Pantone: PMS 3272 C
CMYK: (100, 0, 4, 37)
HSL: (175, 100, 32)
RGB: (255, 255, 255)
CMYK: (0, 0, 0, 0)
HSL: (0, 0, 100)
Mercedes AMG Petronas F1 Team Hex Color Codes
The Mercedes AMG Petronas F1 Team colors HEX codes are #C8CCCE for Silver, #565F64 for Dark Gray, #00A19B for Tiffany Green, #FFFFFF for White, for , for , for , for , and #000000 for Black.
Mercedes AMG Petronas F1 Team RGB Color Codes
The Mercedes AMG Petronas F1 Team colors RGB codes are (200, 204, 206) for Silver, (86, 95, 100) for Dark Gray, (0, 161, 155) for Tiffany Green, (255, 255, 255) for White, for , for , for , for , and (0, 0, 0) for Black.
Mercedes AMG Petronas F1 Team Pantone Color Codes
The Mercedes AMG Petronas F1 Team colors Pantone codes are PMS 427 C for Silver, PMS 445 C for Dark Gray, PMS 3272 C for Tiffany Green, for White, for , for , for , for , and PMS Neutral Black C for Black.
Mercedes AMG Petronas F1 Team CMYK Color Codes
The Mercedes AMG Petronas F1 Team colors Pantone codes are (3, 1, 0, 19) for Silver, (14, 5, 0, 61) for Dark Gray, (100, 0, 4, 37) for Tiffany Green, (0, 0, 0, 0) for White, for , for , for , for , and (0, 0, 0, 100) for Black.
Mercedes AMG Petronas F1 Team HSL Color Codes
The Mercedes AMG Petronas F1 Team colors Pantone codes are (210, 2, 80) for Silver, (204, 7, 36) for Dark Gray, (175, 100, 32) for Tiffany Green, (0, 0, 100) for White, for , for , for , for , and (0, 0, 0) for Black.
Mercedes AMG Petronas F1 Team Overview
- 📛 Nickname: Silver Arrows
- 📅 Year Founded: 2010 (re-entered F1 as a works team)
- 📍 Now Located in: Brackley, Northamptonshire, England
- ⚔️ Biggest Rival: Scuderia Ferrari and Red Bull Racing
- 🏆 Greatest Success: Winning 7 consecutive Constructors’ Championships (2014-2020) and 7 consecutive Drivers’ Championships (2014-2020)
Mercedes AMG Petronas F1 Team Logo
Mercedes AMG Petronas F1 Team Logo PNG
Mercedes AMG Petronas F1 Team Logo JPG
Mercedes AMG Petronas F1 Team Logo Meaning
- Silver Color: Represents the traditional color of Mercedes-Benz, known as the “Silver Arrows,” symbolizing innovation, speed, and luxury.
- Green Accent: The green accents signify the team’s partnership with Petronas, which is often associated with energy, efficiency, and environmental consciousness.
- Star Emblem: The iconic three-pointed star within a circle highlights Mercedes-Benz’s dominance in land, sea, and air travel, showcasing a legacy of engineering prowess.
- Dynamic Design: The dynamic lines and shapes imply motion and progress, reflecting the team’s continuous pursuit of excellence and advancement in technology.
Mercedes AMG Petronas F1 Team Logo Font
The font used in the Mercedes AMG Petronas F1 Team logo is a custom sans-serif typeface, designed specifically for the team.
It’s chosen because it looks modern and sleek, aligning with the high-tech and sophisticated image of the team. The clean and sharp letters ensure clear visibility and a contemporary feel.