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The team colors of Richard Childress Racing are red, black, and white.

Below are the Hex, RGB, Pantone, CMYK, and HSL codes for these colors.

Additionally, we provide both PNG and JPG files of the Richard Childress Racing logo and explore its meaning.

Richard Childress Racing Color Palette

Richard Childress Racing Color Codes

Hex: #ed1b2e
RGB: (237, 27, 46)
Pantone: 1788 C
CMYK: (1, 99, 89, 0)
HSL: (355, 88%, 52%)
Hex: #000000
RGB: (0, 0, 0)
Pantone: Black 6 C
CMYK: (0, 0, 0, 100)
HSL: (0, 0%, 0%)
Hex: #ffffff
RGB: (255, 255, 255)
Pantone: P 1-1 C
CMYK: (0, 0, 0, 0)
HSL: (0, 0, 100)







Richard Childress Racing Hex Color Codes

The Richard Childress Racing colors HEX codes are #000000 for Black, #ffffff for White, for , for , for , for , for , for , and #ed1b2e for RED.

The hex color code for Richard Childress Racing RED is #ed1b2e.
The hex color code for Richard Childress Racing Black is #000000.
The hex color code for Richard Childress Racing White is #ffffff.
The hex color code for Richard Childress Racing is .
The hex color code for Richard Childress Racing is .
The hex color code for Richard Childress Racing is .
The hex color code for Richard Childress Racing is .
The hex color code for Richard Childress Racing is .
The hex color code for Richard Childress Racing is .

Richard Childress Racing RGB Color Codes

The Richard Childress Racing colors RGB codes are (0, 0, 0) for Black, (255, 255, 255) for White, for , for , for , for , for , for , and (237, 27, 46) for RED.

The RGB color code for Richard Childress Racing RED is (237, 27, 46).
(237, 27, 46)
The RGB color code for Richard Childress Racing Black is (0, 0, 0).
(0, 0, 0)
The RGB color code for Richard Childress Racing White is (255, 255, 255).
(255, 255, 255)
The RGB color code for Richard Childress Racing is .
The RGB color code for Richard Childress Racing is .
The RGB color code for Richard Childress Racing is .
The RGB color code for Richard Childress Racing is .
The RGB color code for Richard Childress Racing is .
The RGB color code for Richard Childress Racing is .

Richard Childress Racing Pantone Color Codes

The Richard Childress Racing colors Pantone codes are Black 6 C for Black, P 1-1 C for White, for , for , for , for , for , for , and 1788 C for RED.

The Pantone color code for Richard Childress Racing RED is 1788 C.
1788 C
The Pantone color code for Richard Childress Racing Black is Black 6 C.
Black 6 C
The Pantone color code for Richard Childress Racing White is P 1-1 C.
P 1-1 C
The Pantone color code for Richard Childress Racing is .
The Pantone color code for Richard Childress Racing is .
The Pantone color code for Richard Childress Racing is .
The Pantone color code for Richard Childress Racing is .
The Pantone color code for Richard Childress Racing is .
The Pantone color code for Richard Childress Racing is .

Richard Childress Racing CMYK Color Codes

The Richard Childress Racing colors Pantone codes are (0, 0, 0, 100) for Black, (0, 0, 0, 0) for White, for , for , for , for , for , for , and (1, 99, 89, 0) for RED.

The CMYK color code for Richard Childress Racing RED is (1, 99, 89, 0).
(1, 99, 89, 0)
The CMYK color code for Richard Childress Racing Black is (0, 0, 0, 100).
(0, 0, 0, 100)
The CMYK color code for Richard Childress Racing White is (0, 0, 0, 0).
(0, 0, 0, 0)
The CMYK color code for Richard Childress Racing is .
The CMYK color code for Richard Childress Racing is .
The CMYK color code for Richard Childress Racing is .
The CMYK color code for Richard Childress Racing is .
The CMYK color code for Richard Childress Racing is .
The CMYK color code for Richard Childress Racing is .

Richard Childress Racing HSL Color Codes

The Richard Childress Racing colors Pantone codes are (0, 0%, 0%) for Black, (0, 0, 100) for White, for , for , for , for , for , for , and (355, 88%, 52%) for RED.

The HSL color code for Richard Childress Racing RED is (355, 88%, 52%).
(355, 88%, 52%)
The HSL color code for Richard Childress Racing Black is (0, 0%, 0%).
(0, 0%, 0%)
The HSL color code for Richard Childress Racing White is (0, 0, 100).
(0, 0, 100)
The HSL color code for Richard Childress Racing is .
The HSL color code for Richard Childress Racing is .
The HSL color code for Richard Childress Racing is .
The HSL color code for Richard Childress Racing is .
The HSL color code for Richard Childress Racing is .
The HSL color code for Richard Childress Racing is .

Richard Childress Racing Overview

  • 📛 Nickname: RCR
  • 📅 Year Founded: 1969
  • 📍 Now Located in: Welcome, North Carolina
  • ⚔️ Biggest Rival: Hendrick Motorsports
  • 🏆 Greatest Success: Six NASCAR Cup Series Championships with Dale Earnhardt

Richard Childress Racing Logo PNG

Richard Childress Racing Logo JPG

Richard Childress Racing Logo Meaning

  • Black Color: Black symbolizes sophistication and power, reflecting the team’s dominance and strong presence in racing.
  • White Highlights: White represents precision and clarity, denoting the team’s attention to detail and quest for perfection.
  • Checkered Flag Pattern: This pattern signifies the racing heritage and success synonymous with Richard Childress Racing.
  • Stylized RCR Initials: The bold, intertwined ‘RCR’ initials show unity and the interconnected nature of the team’s efforts and legacy.
  • Red Accent: Red accents emphasize passion, energy, and the fierce competitive spirit of the team.

Richard Childress Racing Logo Font

The font used in the Richard Childress Racing logo is a custom, sans-serif typeface designed for readability and impact.

It’s chosen for its bold and modern appearance, perfectly capturing the innovative and dynamic spirit of the team.

Color Codes of NASCAR Teams