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The team colors of South Carolina Beaufort Sand Sharks are navy blue, sand, and garnet.

Below are the Hex, RGB, Pantone, CMYK, and HSL codes for these colors.

Additionally, we provide both PNG and JPG files of the South Carolina Beaufort Sand Sharks logo and explore its meaning.

South Carolina–Beaufort Sand Sharks Color Palette

South Carolina–Beaufort Sand Sharks Color Codes

Navy Blue
Hex: #002E62
RGB: (0, 46, 98)
Pantone: PMS 648 C
CMYK: (100, 89, 34, 25)
HSL: (214, 100%, 19%)
Hex: #DFC298
RGB: (223, 194, 152)
Pantone: PMS 467 C
CMYK: (13, 22, 43, 0)
HSL: (33, 53%, 74%)
Hex: #A20027
RGB: (162, 0, 39)
Pantone: PMS 187 C
CMYK: (24, 100, 89, 20)
HSL: (347, 100%, 32%)







South Carolina–Beaufort Sand Sharks Hex Color Codes

The South Carolina–Beaufort Sand Sharks colors HEX codes are #DFC298 for Sand, #A20027 for Garnet, for , for , for , for , for , for , and #002E62 for Navy Blue.

The hex color code for South Carolina–Beaufort Sand Sharks Navy Blue is #002E62.
The hex color code for South Carolina–Beaufort Sand Sharks Sand is #DFC298.
The hex color code for South Carolina–Beaufort Sand Sharks Garnet is #A20027.
The hex color code for South Carolina–Beaufort Sand Sharks is .
The hex color code for South Carolina–Beaufort Sand Sharks is .
The hex color code for South Carolina–Beaufort Sand Sharks is .
The hex color code for South Carolina–Beaufort Sand Sharks is .
The hex color code for South Carolina–Beaufort Sand Sharks is .
The hex color code for South Carolina–Beaufort Sand Sharks is .

South Carolina–Beaufort Sand Sharks RGB Color Codes

The South Carolina–Beaufort Sand Sharks colors RGB codes are (223, 194, 152) for Sand, (162, 0, 39) for Garnet, for , for , for , for , for , for , and (0, 46, 98) for Navy Blue.

The RGB color code for South Carolina–Beaufort Sand Sharks Navy Blue is (0, 46, 98).
(0, 46, 98)
The RGB color code for South Carolina–Beaufort Sand Sharks Sand is (223, 194, 152).
(223, 194, 152)
The RGB color code for South Carolina–Beaufort Sand Sharks Garnet is (162, 0, 39).
(162, 0, 39)
The RGB color code for South Carolina–Beaufort Sand Sharks is .
The RGB color code for South Carolina–Beaufort Sand Sharks is .
The RGB color code for South Carolina–Beaufort Sand Sharks is .
The RGB color code for South Carolina–Beaufort Sand Sharks is .
The RGB color code for South Carolina–Beaufort Sand Sharks is .
The RGB color code for South Carolina–Beaufort Sand Sharks is .

South Carolina–Beaufort Sand Sharks Pantone Color Codes

The South Carolina–Beaufort Sand Sharks colors Pantone codes are PMS 467 C for Sand, PMS 187 C for Garnet, for , for , for , for , for , for , and PMS 648 C for Navy Blue.

The Pantone color code for South Carolina–Beaufort Sand Sharks Navy Blue is PMS 648 C.
PMS 648 C
The Pantone color code for South Carolina–Beaufort Sand Sharks Sand is PMS 467 C.
PMS 467 C
The Pantone color code for South Carolina–Beaufort Sand Sharks Garnet is PMS 187 C.
PMS 187 C
The Pantone color code for South Carolina–Beaufort Sand Sharks is .
The Pantone color code for South Carolina–Beaufort Sand Sharks is .
The Pantone color code for South Carolina–Beaufort Sand Sharks is .
The Pantone color code for South Carolina–Beaufort Sand Sharks is .
The Pantone color code for South Carolina–Beaufort Sand Sharks is .
The Pantone color code for South Carolina–Beaufort Sand Sharks is .

South Carolina–Beaufort Sand Sharks CMYK Color Codes

The South Carolina–Beaufort Sand Sharks colors Pantone codes are (13, 22, 43, 0) for Sand, (24, 100, 89, 20) for Garnet, for , for , for , for , for , for , and (100, 89, 34, 25) for Navy Blue.

The CMYK color code for South Carolina–Beaufort Sand Sharks Navy Blue is (100, 89, 34, 25).
(100, 89, 34, 25)
The CMYK color code for South Carolina–Beaufort Sand Sharks Sand is (13, 22, 43, 0).
(13, 22, 43, 0)
The CMYK color code for South Carolina–Beaufort Sand Sharks Garnet is (24, 100, 89, 20).
(24, 100, 89, 20)
The CMYK color code for South Carolina–Beaufort Sand Sharks is .
The CMYK color code for South Carolina–Beaufort Sand Sharks is .
The CMYK color code for South Carolina–Beaufort Sand Sharks is .
The CMYK color code for South Carolina–Beaufort Sand Sharks is .
The CMYK color code for South Carolina–Beaufort Sand Sharks is .
The CMYK color code for South Carolina–Beaufort Sand Sharks is .

South Carolina–Beaufort Sand Sharks HSL Color Codes

The South Carolina–Beaufort Sand Sharks colors Pantone codes are (33, 53%, 74%) for Sand, (347, 100%, 32%) for Garnet, for , for , for , for , for , for , and (214, 100%, 19%) for Navy Blue.

The HSL color code for South Carolina–Beaufort Sand Sharks Navy Blue is (214, 100%, 19%).
(214, 100%, 19%)
The HSL color code for South Carolina–Beaufort Sand Sharks Sand is (33, 53%, 74%).
(33, 53%, 74%)
The HSL color code for South Carolina–Beaufort Sand Sharks Garnet is (347, 100%, 32%).
(347, 100%, 32%)
The HSL color code for South Carolina–Beaufort Sand Sharks is .
The HSL color code for South Carolina–Beaufort Sand Sharks is .
The HSL color code for South Carolina–Beaufort Sand Sharks is .
The HSL color code for South Carolina–Beaufort Sand Sharks is .
The HSL color code for South Carolina–Beaufort Sand Sharks is .
The HSL color code for South Carolina–Beaufort Sand Sharks is .

South Carolina Beaufort Sand Sharks Overview

  • 📛 Nickname: Sand Sharks
  • 📅 Year Founded: 2004
  • 📍 Now Located in: Bluffton, South Carolina
  • ⚔️ Biggest Rival: College of Coastal Georgia (Mariners)
  • 🏆 Greatest Success: Winning the Sun Conference Championships in various sports

South Carolina Beaufort Sand Sharks Logo PNG

South Carolina Beaufort Sand Sharks Logo JPG

South Carolina Beaufort Sand Sharks Logo Meaning

  • Shark Image: Symbolizes strength, agility, and a relentless spirit, embodying the characteristics the university aims to instill in its students and athletes.
  • Blue and Black Colors: Blue represents trust, loyalty, and confidence, while black stands for power, elegance, and sophistication, capturing the essence of the institution’s values.
  • Wave Elements: The wave graphics highlight the coastal location of the campus, emphasizing the close relationship with the sea and marine environment.
  • Modern Design: Reflects a forward-thinking and dynamic approach, indicating the university’s commitment to innovation and progress.

South Carolina Beaufort Sand Sharks Logo Font

The font used in the South Carolina Beaufort Sand Sharks logo is a custom sans-serif type.

It’s chosen for its clean and modern look, making it highly legible and ensuring a crisp and professional appearance.

Color Codes of NCAA Division II Teams