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The team colors of SpVgg Greuther Fürth are green, white, and black.

Below are the Hex, RGB, Pantone, CMYK, and HSL codes for these colors.

Additionally, we provide both PNG and JPG files of the SpVgg Greuther Fürth logo and explore its meaning.

SpVgg Greuther Fürth Color Palette

SpVgg Greuther Fürth Color Codes

Hex: #009932
RGB: (0, 153, 50)
Pantone: PMS 355 C
CMYK: (100, 0, 67, 40)
HSL: (142, 100%, 30%)
RGB: (255, 255, 255)
CMYK: (0, 0, 0, 0)
HSL: (0, 0%, 100%)
Hex: #000000
RGB: (0, 0, 0)
Pantone: PMS Black 6 C
CMYK: (0, 0, 0, 100)
HSL: (0, 0%, 0%)







SpVgg Greuther Fürth Hex Color Codes

The SpVgg Greuther Fürth colors HEX codes are #FFFFFF for white, #000000 for black, for , for , for , for , for , for , and #009932 for green.

The hex color code for SpVgg Greuther Fürth green is #009932.
The hex color code for SpVgg Greuther Fürth white is #FFFFFF.
The hex color code for SpVgg Greuther Fürth black is #000000.
The hex color code for SpVgg Greuther Fürth is .
The hex color code for SpVgg Greuther Fürth is .
The hex color code for SpVgg Greuther Fürth is .
The hex color code for SpVgg Greuther Fürth is .
The hex color code for SpVgg Greuther Fürth is .
The hex color code for SpVgg Greuther Fürth is .

SpVgg Greuther Fürth RGB Color Codes

The SpVgg Greuther Fürth colors RGB codes are (255, 255, 255) for white, (0, 0, 0) for black, for , for , for , for , for , for , and (0, 153, 50) for green.

The RGB color code for SpVgg Greuther Fürth green is (0, 153, 50).
(0, 153, 50)
The RGB color code for SpVgg Greuther Fürth white is (255, 255, 255).
(255, 255, 255)
The RGB color code for SpVgg Greuther Fürth black is (0, 0, 0).
(0, 0, 0)
The RGB color code for SpVgg Greuther Fürth is .
The RGB color code for SpVgg Greuther Fürth is .
The RGB color code for SpVgg Greuther Fürth is .
The RGB color code for SpVgg Greuther Fürth is .
The RGB color code for SpVgg Greuther Fürth is .
The RGB color code for SpVgg Greuther Fürth is .

SpVgg Greuther Fürth Pantone Color Codes

The SpVgg Greuther Fürth colors Pantone codes are for white, PMS Black 6 C for black, for , for , for , for , for , for , and PMS 355 C for green.

The Pantone color code for SpVgg Greuther Fürth green is PMS 355 C.
PMS 355 C
The Pantone color code for SpVgg Greuther Fürth white is .
The Pantone color code for SpVgg Greuther Fürth black is PMS Black 6 C.
PMS Black 6 C
The Pantone color code for SpVgg Greuther Fürth is .
The Pantone color code for SpVgg Greuther Fürth is .
The Pantone color code for SpVgg Greuther Fürth is .
The Pantone color code for SpVgg Greuther Fürth is .
The Pantone color code for SpVgg Greuther Fürth is .
The Pantone color code for SpVgg Greuther Fürth is .

SpVgg Greuther Fürth CMYK Color Codes

The SpVgg Greuther Fürth colors Pantone codes are (0, 0, 0, 0) for white, (0, 0, 0, 100) for black, for , for , for , for , for , for , and (100, 0, 67, 40) for green.

The CMYK color code for SpVgg Greuther Fürth green is (100, 0, 67, 40).
(100, 0, 67, 40)
The CMYK color code for SpVgg Greuther Fürth white is (0, 0, 0, 0).
(0, 0, 0, 0)
The CMYK color code for SpVgg Greuther Fürth black is (0, 0, 0, 100).
(0, 0, 0, 100)
The CMYK color code for SpVgg Greuther Fürth is .
The CMYK color code for SpVgg Greuther Fürth is .
The CMYK color code for SpVgg Greuther Fürth is .
The CMYK color code for SpVgg Greuther Fürth is .
The CMYK color code for SpVgg Greuther Fürth is .
The CMYK color code for SpVgg Greuther Fürth is .

SpVgg Greuther Fürth HSL Color Codes

The SpVgg Greuther Fürth colors Pantone codes are (0, 0%, 100%) for white, (0, 0%, 0%) for black, for , for , for , for , for , for , and (142, 100%, 30%) for green.

The HSL color code for SpVgg Greuther Fürth green is (142, 100%, 30%).
(142, 100%, 30%)
The HSL color code for SpVgg Greuther Fürth white is (0, 0%, 100%).
(0, 0%, 100%)
The HSL color code for SpVgg Greuther Fürth black is (0, 0%, 0%).
(0, 0%, 0%)
The HSL color code for SpVgg Greuther Fürth is .
The HSL color code for SpVgg Greuther Fürth is .
The HSL color code for SpVgg Greuther Fürth is .
The HSL color code for SpVgg Greuther Fürth is .
The HSL color code for SpVgg Greuther Fürth is .
The HSL color code for SpVgg Greuther Fürth is .

SpVgg Greuther Fürth Overview

  • 📛 Nickname: Die Kleeblätter (The Cloverleaves)
  • 📅 Year Founded: 1903
  • 📍 Now Located in: Sportpark Ronhof Thomas Sommer, Fürth, Germany
  • ⚔️ Biggest Rival: 1. FC Nürnberg (Franconian Derby)
  • 🏆 Greatest Success: Winning the German Championship three times (1914, 1926, 1929)

SpVgg Greuther Fürth Logo PNG

SpVgg Greuther Fürth Logo JPG

SpVgg Greuther Fürth Logo Meaning

  • Shamrock Symbol: The three-leaf shamrock signifies luck, unity, and growth, reflecting the club’s Irish heritage and collaborative spirit.
  • Green Color: Green represents hope, vitality, and prosperity, illustrating the club’s aspirations and commitment to growth.
  • White Background: The white background stands for purity, peace, and a fresh start, aligning with the club’s values and ambitions.
  • Shield Shape: The shield shape symbolizes protection and resilience, demonstrating the club’s steadfastness and strong foundation.

SpVgg Greuther Fürth Logo Font

The font used in the SpVgg Greuther Fürth logo is a custom geometric sans-serif typeface.

It’s chosen for its modern and clean appearance, which aligns with the club’s progressive vision. The clear lines and balanced letterforms enhance readability and distinctiveness.

Color Codes of Bundesliga Teams